Reflexive Reduction of Ordering is Strict Ordering/Proof 1

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Let $\RR$ be an ordering on a set $S$.

Let $\RR^\ne$ be the reflexive reduction of $\RR$.

Then $\RR^\ne$ is a strict ordering on $S$.



Follows from Reflexive Reduction is Antireflexive.



Suppose $\tuple {x, y}, \tuple {y, z} \in \RR^\ne$.

By antireflexivity $x \ne y$ and $y \ne z$.

We consider the two remaining cases.

Case 1: $x = z$

If $x = z$ then:

$\tuple {x, y}, \tuple {y, x} \in \RR^\ne$

and so:

$\tuple {x, y}, \tuple {y, x} \in \RR$

Then by the antisymmetry of $\RR$:

$x = y$


$\tuple {x, x} \in \RR^\ne$

which contradicts that $\RR^\ne$ is antireflexive.

Case 2: $x \ne z$

By the transitivity of $\RR$:

$\tuple {x, z} \in \RR$

and by $x$ and $z$ being distinct:

$\tuple {x, z} \notin \Delta_S$

It follows by the definition of reflexive reduction:

$\tuple {x, z} \in \RR^\ne$

Hence $\RR^\ne$ is transitive.
