Soundness Theorem for Propositional Tableaus and Boolean Interpretations

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Tableau proofs (in terms of propositional tableaus) are a sound proof system for boolean interpretations.

That is, for every WFF $\mathbf A$:

$\vdash_{\mathrm{PT} } \mathbf A$ implies $\models_{\mathrm{BI} } \mathbf A$


This is a corollary of the Extended Soundness Theorem for Propositional Tableaus and Boolean Interpretations:

Let $\mathbf H$ be a countable set of propositional formulas.

Let $\mathbf A$ be a propositional formula.

If $\mathbf H \vdash \mathbf A$, then $\mathbf H \models \mathbf A$.

In this case, we have $\mathbf H = \O$.

Hence the result.


Also see

If $\models \mathbf A$ then $\vdash \mathbf A$.
