Three Points in Ultrametric Space have Two Equal Distances/Corollary 5

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Let $\norm {\, \cdot \,}$ be a non-trivial non-Archimedean norm on the rational numbers $\Q$.

Let $a, b \in \Z_{\ne 0}$ be coprime:

$a \perp b$


$\norm a = 1$ or $\norm b = 1$


By Bézout's Identity then:

$\exists n, m \in \Z : m a + n b = 1$

By Norm of Unity:

$\norm {m a + n b} = 1$

By Characterisation of Non-Archimedean Division Ring Norms: Corollary $5$:

$\norm a, \norm b, \norm n, \norm m \le 1$

Let $\norm a < 1$.

By Norm Axiom $\text N 2$: Multiplicativity:

$\norm {m a} = \norm m \norm a < 1$


$\norm {m a} < \norm {m a + n b}$

By Three Points in Ultrametric Space have Two Equal Distances: Corollary $4$:

$\norm {n b} = \norm {m a + n b} = 1$

By Norm Axiom $\text N 2$: Multiplicativity:

$\norm n \norm b = 1$


$\norm b = 1$

The result follows.

