Triangular Numbers which are Product of 3 Consecutive Integers/Mistake

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Source Work

1997: David Wells: Curious and Interesting Numbers (2nd ed.):

The Dictionary


The largest triangular number to be the product of consecutive integers. The others are $6$, $120$, $210$, $990$ and $185 \, 136$.

This should read:

The largest triangular number to be the product of $3$ consecutive integers. The others are $6$, $120$, $210$, $990$ and $185 \, 136$.

For example, $7140$ is a triangular number which is the product of $2$ (and not $3$) consecutive integers:

$7140 = T_{119} = \dfrac {119 \left({119 + 1}\right)} 2 = 84 \times 85$
