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I am new to posting on this site, please forgive my ignorance in format.

I am heavily interested in transcendental number theory, and would like to investigate transcendental numbers within a graphing context.

I am always up for learning more, and learning from my mistakes.

Currently Working On

Transcendental Slope
$(\pi +e)$ is Transcendental


Contact Here I Will See


What you might want to do is to use the "Random proof" button and inspect the pages you encounter using the editor. Then you will start getting the gist of how this site is structured.
But in a nutshell:
a) All mathematical symbols, however trivial (even 1, 2, 3 etc.) are to be in $\LaTeX$ tags (that is: $1$, $2$, $3$, $x$ etc). As for picking up $\LaTeX$: it will come with practice.
b) Every concept (proof, definition, axiom) must always be referenced to another page, by means of the MediaWiki link technique (that is, by putting the text defining that concept inside double square brackets). (Note that links yo definitions always start "Definition:" and axioms with "Axiom:".) If the pages being linked to do not exist yet, not to worry, put the links in anyway and the pages themselves can be constructed in due course.
c) Sentences are short and simple, and are one to a line.
But as I say, look at existing pages (most are in house style - there are exceptions!) and see roughly how this works. Your early efforts will be heavily edited and tagged for further work, don't worry about it. The important thing is getting the truths on line - the pretty formatting can follow. --prime mover 06:53, 27 March 2012 (EDT)