Category:Addition Formulas for Hyperbolic Functions

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This category contains pages concerning Addition Formulas for Hyperbolic Functions:

Hyperbolic Sine of Sum

$\map \sinh {a + b} = \sinh a \cosh b + \cosh a \sinh b$

Hyperbolic Cosine of Sum

$\map \cosh {a + b} = \cosh a \cosh b + \sinh a \sinh b$

Hyperbolic Tangent of Sum

$\map \tanh {a + b} = \dfrac {\tanh a + \tanh b} {1 + \tanh a \tanh b}$

Hyperbolic Cotangent of Sum

$\map \coth {a + b} = \dfrac {\coth a \coth b + 1} {\coth b + \coth a}$

Also see

Pages in category "Addition Formulas for Hyperbolic Functions"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.