Category:Examples of Use of Euler Method

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This category contains examples of use of Euler Method.

Consider the first order ODE:

$(1): \quad y' = \map f {x, y}$ subject to the initial condition $\map y {x_0} = y_0$

where $\map f {x, y}$ is a continuous real function.

Let $\map y x$ be the particular solution of $(1)$.

For all $n \in \N_{>0}$, we define:

$x_n = x_{n - 1} + h$

where $h \in \R_{>0}$.

Then for all $n \in \N_{>0}$ such that $x_n$ is in the domain of $y$:

$y_{n + 1} = y_n + h \map f {x_n, y_n}$

is an approximation to $\map y {x_{n + 1} }$.

Pages in category "Examples of Use of Euler Method"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.