Class Union Exists and is Unique

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Let $V$ be a basic universe.

Let $A \subseteq V$ be a class.

Let $\bigcup A$ denote the union of $A$.

Then $\bigcup A$ is guaranteed to exist and is unique.


By the Axiom of Specification the union of $A$ can be created:

$\bigcup A := \set {x: \exists y: x \in y \land y \in A}$

Hence $\bigcup A$ exists.

Let $B$ and $C$ both be unions of $A$.

From the definition of union:

$\forall A$:
$x \in B \iff \exists y \in A: x \in y$
$x \in C \iff \exists y \in A: x \in y$

From Biconditional is Commutative and Biconditional is Transitive:

$x \in B \iff x \in C$

By the Axiom of Extension:

$B = C$

Hence the union of $A$ is unique.

