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The pitch of a helix $\HH$ is the distance by which a point on $\HH$ is displaced in making $1$ revolution around the axis of $\HH$ in a direction parallel to the axis.


Circular Helix

Consider the circular helix $\HH$ whose parametric equation is given as:


x & = a \cos t \\ y & = a \sin t \\ z & = b t \\ \end{cases}$

The pitch of $\HH$ is $\dfrac {2 \pi} b$.

Also see

  • Results about helices can be found here.

Linguistic Note

The word helix comes from the Greek ἕλιξ, which means twisted or curved.

It is pronounced hee-lix.

The plural of helix is helices, which is pronounced hee-li-seez.
