Definition talk:Isomorphism (Category Theory)

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Someone added a WIP to transclude 'Inverse Morphism' into 'Isomoprhism'. Aren't the two more or less synonymous? If so, I think it would be better to say in the definition of 'Isomorphism' it's also called 'Inverse Morphism' and create a redirection from that page to 'Isomorphism'. --NightRa (talk) 18:38, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

No, the existence of an inverse morphism is intimately related to, but clearly separated from, being an inverse morphism. So the two ought to be apart, but are close enough that a transclusion should be considered. — Lord_Farin (talk) 18:40, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
So if I understand correctly, the existance of an inverse morphism for $f$ implies it's an isomorphism. --NightRa (talk) 18:45, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
Exactly, and vice versa. — Lord_Farin (talk) 18:50, 11 October 2014 (UTC)