Definition talk:Subsequential Limit

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Note that the first part of the remark holds only in Hausdorff spaces. Would you like to restrict the definition to metric spaces? In that case, mention Limit of Subsequence equals Limit of Sequence somewhere. --Lord_Farin 22:00, 24 July 2012 (UTC)

More to the point, when invoking a sequence (or any mapping, come to that), it is essential to indicate the domain.
Also worth pointing out that the contents of this page all exist somewhere on ProofWiki, just can't place it at the moment. In particular there is a specific result which could be linked to. --prime mover 22:03, 24 July 2012 (UTC)
I had metric spaces in mind when I created the page because that is how they are used in Rudin's PMA. That being said, I would rather not restrict the definition to metric spaces because it can also work for topological spaces. So I will revise the remark. --Andrew Salmon 22:07, 24 July 2012 (UTC)