Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/342 - A Wily Puzzle/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $342$

A Wily Puzzle
A life prisoner appealed to the king for pardon.
Not being ready to favour the appeal, the king proposed a pardon on condition that the prisoner should start at cell $A$
and go in and out of each cell of the prison, coming back to the cell $A$ without going into any cell twice.


In the diagram it will be seen that the prisoner's course is undoubtedly all right until we get to $b$.
If we had been the prisoner, when we got to that point we should have placed one foot at $c$, in the neighbouring cell,
and have said, "As one foot has been in cell $c$ we have undoubtedly entered it,
and yet when we withdraw that foot into $b$ we do not enter $b$ a second time,
for the simple reason that we never left it since we first went in."
