Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/50 - Buying Ribbon

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $50$

Buying Ribbon
Here is a puzzle that appears to bear a strong family resemblance to others given in the past.
But it really requires an entirely different method of working.
The author is unknown.

Four mothers, each with one daughter, went into a shop to buy ribbon.
Each mother bought twice as many yards as her daughter,
and each person bought as many yards of ribbon as the number of farthings she paid for each yard.
Mrs. Jones spent $1 \shillings 7 \oldpence$ more than Mrs. White;
Nora bought three yards less than Mrs. Brown;
Gladys bought two yards more than Hilda,
who spent $1 \shillings$ less than Mrs. Smith.
What is the name of Mary's mother?

Click here for solution
