Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/49 - The Engine-Driver's Name

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $49$

The Engine-Driver's Name
Three business men -- Smith, Robinson and Jones -- all live in the Leeds-Sheffield district.
Three railwaymen of similar names live in the same district.
The business man Robinson and the guard live at Sheffield,
the business man Jones and the stoker live at Leeds,
while the business man Smith and the engine-driver live half-way between Leeds and Sheffield.
The guard's namesake earns $\pounds 1000, 10 \shillings 2 \oldpence$ per annum,
and the engine-driver earns exactly one-third of the business man living nearest to him.
Finally, the railwayman Smith beats the stoker at billiards.
What is the engine driver's name?

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