Number of Significant Figures in Result of Square Root/Examples/Root of 38.7

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Example of Use of Number of Significant Figures in Result of Square Root

$\sqrt {38 \cdotp 7} = 6\cdotp 22$


We have that:

the number of significant figures in $38 \cdotp 7$ is $3$

So from Number of Significant Figures in Result of Square Root:

the number of significant figures in $\sqrt {38 \cdotp 7}$ can be no more than $3$.

\(\ds \sqrt {38 \cdotp 7}\) \(=\) \(\ds 6 \cdotp 22093 \ldots\) by calculation
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds 6 \cdotp 22\) to $3$ significant figures

