Schönemann-Eisenstein Theorem/Examples/x^3 + 2x + 4

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Example of Use of Schönemann-Eisenstein Theorem

Consider the polynomial:

$\map P x = x^3 + 2 x + 4$

By the Schönemann-Eisenstein Theorem, it is not possible to tell whether or not $\map P x$ is irreducible over $\Q \sqbrk x$.

In fact, in this case $\map P x$ is indeed irreducible.


We note that the prime number $2$:

is a divisor of the coefficient of $x^1$, that is, $2$
is not a divisor of the degree of $\map P x$, that is, $3$

and that:

$2^2$ is a divisor of the coefficient of $x_0$, that is, $4$.

Hence, by the Schönemann-Eisenstein Theorem, it is not necessarily the case that $\map P x$ is not irreducible over $\Q \sqbrk x$.

