Category:Examples of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

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This category contains examples of Balanced Incomplete Block Design.

A balanced incomplete block design or BIBD with parameters $v, b, r, k, \lambda$ is a block design such that:

$v$ is the number of treatments
$b$ is the number of blocks
$k$ is the size of each block
$r$ is the number of blocks any treatment can be in
$\lambda$ is the number of times any two treatments can occur in the same block

and has the following properties:

Each block is of size $k$
All of the $\dbinom v 2$ pairs occur together in exactly $\lambda$ blocks.

A BIBD with parameters $v, b, r, k, \lambda$ is commonly written several ways, for example:

$\map {\operatorname {BIBD} } {v, k, \lambda}$
$\tuple {v, k, \lambda}$-$\operatorname{BIBD}$

Pages in category "Examples of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.