Definition:Terrestrial Hemisphere

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Northern Hemisphere

The northern hemisphere of Earth is the hemisphere between the equator and the North Pole.

Points in the northern hemisphere have latitude between $0 \degrees \, \mathrm N$ (the equator itself) and $90 \degrees \, \mathrm N$ (the North Pole).

Southern Hemisphere

The southern hemisphere of Earth is the hemisphere between the equator and the South Pole.

Points in the southern hemisphere have latitude between $0 \degrees \, \mathrm S$ (the equator itself) and $90 \degrees \, \mathrm S$ (the South Pole).

Eastern Hemisphere

The eastern hemisphere of Earth is the hemisphere immediately to the east of the prime meridian.

Points in the eastern hemisphere have longitude between $0 \degrees \, \mathrm E$ (the prime meridian itself) and $180 \degrees \, \mathrm E$.

Western Hemisphere

The western hemisphere of Earth is the hemisphere immediately to the west of the prime meridian.

Points in the western hemisphere have longitude between $0 \degrees \, \mathrm W$ (the prime meridian itself) and $180 \degrees \, \mathrm W$.