Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birthday/June

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London

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$1796$: Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
$1884$: Eduard Helly
$1899$: Edward Charles Titchmarsh
$1916$: Emilie Virginia Haynsworth
$1930$: Edward John Lemmon
$1943$: Edmund Frederick Robertson
$1944$: Haïm Brezis


$1884$: Henry Thomas Herbert Piaggio
$1924$: Hans-Egon Richert
$1929$: Ross Honsberger
$1944$: Christian Berg


$1659$: David Gregory
$1844$: Paul Mansion
$1912$: Arthur Norton Milgram
$1945$: John Derbyshire


$1933$: Richard Allen Askey
$1947$: Gerald Budge Folland
$1958$: Thomas Callister Hales


$1868$: Frank Irwin
$1922$: Friend Hans Kierstead, Jr.
$1922$: Henry Andrew Kierstead
$1926$: Claude Jacques Roger Berge
$1944$: Bailey Whitfield Diffie
$1948$: John Patton Burgess


$1436$: Johannes Müller von Königsberg
$1797$: Rehuel Lobatto
$1857$: Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov
$1882$: Clement Vavasor Durell
$1906$: Max August Zorn
$1919$: Paul Trevier Bateman
$1927$: Benjamin Franklin Logan


$1884$: Ruggiero Torelli
$1926$: John Cedric Shepherdson


$1625$: Giovanni Domenico Cassini
$1745$: Caspar Wessel
$1848$: Henry Sinclair Hall
$1860$: Alicia Boole Stott
$1930$: Robert John Aumann
$1931$: Morris Herman DeGroot
$1936$: Robert W Floyd
$1947$: Henri Cohen


$1786$: William George Horner
$1885$: John Edensor Littlewood
$1955$: Yuli Eidelman


$940$: Abu'l-Wafa Al-Buzjani
$1883$: James Henry Weaver
$1887$: Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov
$1904$: John Greenlees Semple


$1862$: Lothar Wilhelm Julius Heffter
$1914$: Rufus Philip Isaacs
$1915$: Nicholas Constantine Metropolis
$1931$: Rudolph Michael Najar
$1937$: David Bryant Mumford
$1956$: Simon Plouffe


$1577$: Paul Guldin
$1888$: Zygmunt Janiszewski
$1904$: Allen Varley Astin
$1904$: Adolf Lindenbaum
$1937$: Vladimir Igorevich Arnold
$1961$: John Carlos Baez


$1580$: Willebrord van Royen Snell
$1831$: James Clerk Maxwell
$1871$: Ernst Steinitz
$1876$: William Sealy Gosset
$1902$: Carolyn Eisele
$1928$: John Forbes Nash
$1931$: Herbert Saul Wilf
$1936$: Stefan Oscar Walter Hildebrandt
$1942$: Joseph Hoshen
$1966$: Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman


$1736$: Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
$1856$: Andrey Andreyevich Markov
$1868$: Gilbert Thomas Walker
$1903$: Alonzo Church
$1910$: Fritz John
$1916$: Georg Henrik von Wright
$1917$: Atle Selberg
$1941$: Viorel P. Barbu


$1640$: Bernard Lamy
$1765$: Henry Thomas Colebrooke


$1640$: Jacques Ozanam
$1839$: Julius Peter Christian Petersen
$1866$: James P. Pierpont
$1913$: Charles Stanley Ogilvy
$1915$: John Wilder Tukey
$1921$: Harry Jeannot Lipkin
$1925$: Alexander Provan Robertson


$1903$: William Vallance Douglas Hodge
$1928$: Iain Thomas Arthur Carpenter Adamson
$1946$: Michel Waldschmidt


$1858$: Andrew Russell Forsyth
$1884$: Charles Ernest Weatherburn
$1887$: Ernst Hjalmar Waloddi Weibull
$1910$: Maurice Stevenson Bartlett
$1913$: Paul Julius Oswald Teichmüller


$1623$: Blaise Pascal
$1771$: Joseph Diez Gergonne
$1838$: Heinrich Menge
$1851$: Silvanus Phillips Thompson
$1854$: Robert Hjalmar Mellin
$1901$: Raj Chandra Bose
$1945$: Timothy Poston


$1775$: Jacques Frédéric Français
$1838$: Karl Theodor Reye
$1846$: Johann Gustav Hermes


$1781$: Siméon-Denis Poisson
$1927$: Marvin Zelen
$1928$: Wolfgang Haken


$1864$: Hermann Minkowski
$1898$: Arthur Herbert Copeland
$1930$: Reinhold Remmert
$1931$: Edwin Floriman Taylor
$1950$: Richard Martin Foote
$1958$: Robert S. Gibbons


$1612$: Andrea Tacquet
$1824$: Johann Martin Zacharias Dase
$1912$: Alan Mathison Turing
$1913$: Ralph Saul Phillips
$1918$: Carl-Erik Fröberg
$1938$: Peter Schreiber
$1952$: Robert Scott Rumely


$1880$: Oswald Veblen
$1888$: Georges Darmois
$1924$: László Fuchs


$1888$: William Richard Maximilian Hugo Threlfall
$1908$: Willard Van Orman Quine
$1912$: Harry Lindgren
$1933$: Barry M. Mitchell
$1951$: Vicente Montesinos Santalucía


$1824$: William Thomson
$1878$: Leopold Löwenheim
$1911$: Victor Meally
$1911$: Ernst Witt
$1918$: Yudell Leo Luke
$1921$: Verner Emil Hoggatt Jr.


$1806$: Augustus De Morgan
$1826$: Morgan William Crofton
$1850$: Jørgen Pedersen Gram
$1940$: Daniel Gray Quillen


$1875$: Henri Léon Lebesgue
$1894$: Carl Einar Hille
$1933$: Morris William Hirsch


$1807$: Moritz Abraham Stern
$1893$: Eduard Čech
$1904$: Witold Hurewicz


$1791$: Félix Savart
$1848$: Eugen Otto Erwin Netto
$1856$: Paul Friedrich Wolfskehl
$1869$: Karl Theodor Vahlen
$1923$: James Durbin
$1937$: Horst-Günter Zimmer

Precise date unknown

$1867$: John Dougall
$1926$: H. Graham Flegg

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