Naturality of Yoneda Lemma for Covariant Functors

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Let $C$ be a locally small category.

Let $\mathbf {Set}$ be the category of sets.

Let $\sqbrk {C, \mathbf {Set} }$ be the covariant functor category.

Let $C \times \sqbrk {C, \mathbf {Set} }$ be the product category.

Let $C \times \sqbrk {C, \mathbf {Set} } \to \mathbf {Set}: \tuple {A, F} \mapsto \map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^A, F}$ be the covariant functor defined as the composition of the hom bifunctor and the product of the contravariant Yoneda functor $h^-$ and the identity functor $\operatorname{id}_{\sqbrk {C, \mathbf {Set} } }$.

Let $\operatorname{ev} : C \times \sqbrk {C, \mathbf {Set} } \to \mathbf {Set}: \tuple {A, F} \mapsto \map F A$ be the functor evaluation functor.

Then $\Phi_{\tuple {A, F} } : \map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^A, F} \to \map F A: \eta \mapsto \map {\eta_A} {\operatorname {id}_A}$ defines a natural isomorphism, where $\operatorname{id}_A$ is the identity morphism of $A$.


By the Bijection in Yoneda Lemma for Covariant Functors, $\Phi_{\tuple {A, F} }$ is a bijection for all $\tuple {A, F}$.

Let $\tuple {f, \xi}: \tuple {A, F} \to \tuple {B, G} $ be a morphism in $C \times \sqbrk {C, \mathbf {Set} }$.

To prove that $\Phi$ is a natural isomorphism, it remains to prove that the following diagram commutes:

$\xymatrix{ \map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^A, F} \ar[d]^{\Phi_{\tuple {A, F} } } \ar[r]^{\map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^f, \xi} } & \map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^B, G} \ar[d]^{\Phi_{\tuple {B, G} } } \\ F(A) \ar[r]^{\map {\operatorname {ev} } {f, \xi} } & \map G B}$

Let $\eta \in \map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^A, F}$.

We have

\(\ds \map {\paren {\map {\operatorname {ev} } {f, \xi} \circ \Phi_{\tuple {A, F} } } } \eta\) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\map {\operatorname {ev} } {f, \xi} } {\map {\eta_A} {\operatorname {id}_A} }\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B\circ \map F f} } {\map {\eta_A} {\operatorname {id}_A} }\) Definition of Functor Evaluation Bifunctor
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B \circ \eta_B \circ \map {h^A} f} } {\operatorname{id}_A}\) Definition of Natural Transformation, applied to $\eta: h^A \to F$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B \circ \eta_B} } {f \circ \operatorname{id}_A}\) Definition of Covariant Hom Functor, applied to $h^A$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B \circ \eta_B} } f\)


\(\ds \map {\paren {\Phi_{\tuple {B, G} } \circ \map {\operatorname {Nat} } {h^f, \xi} } } \eta\) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\Phi_{\tuple {B, G} } } {\xi \circ \eta \circ h^f}\) Definition of Hom Bifunctor
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi \circ \eta \circ h^f}_B} {\operatorname{id}_B}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B \circ \eta_B} } {\map {\paren {h^f}_B} {\operatorname{id}_B} }\) Definition of Vertical Composition of Natural Transformations
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B \circ \eta_B} } {\operatorname{id}_B \circ f}\) Definition of Contravariant Yoneda Functor, Definition of Precomposition Natural Transformation
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\xi_B \circ \eta_B} } f\)


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