Werner Formulas

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Cosine by Cosine

$\cos \alpha \cos \beta = \dfrac {\map \cos {\alpha - \beta} + \map \cos {\alpha + \beta} } 2$

Sine by Sine

$\sin \alpha \sin \beta = \dfrac {\map \cos {\alpha - \beta} - \map \cos {\alpha + \beta} } 2$

Sine by Cosine

$\sin \alpha \cos \beta = \dfrac {\map \sin {\alpha + \beta} + \map \sin {\alpha - \beta} } 2$

Cosine by Sine

$\cos \alpha \sin \beta = \dfrac {\map \sin {\alpha + \beta} - \map \sin {\alpha - \beta} } 2$

Hyperbolic Functions

While Johann Werner did not consider the hyperbolic functions, it is convenient to use his name to identify them, as follows:

Hyperbolic Cosine by Hyperbolic Cosine

$\cosh x \cosh y = \dfrac {\cosh \paren {x + y} + \cosh \paren {x - y} } 2$

Hyperbolic Sine by Hyperbolic Sine

$\sinh x \sinh y = \dfrac {\map \cosh {x + y} - \map \cosh {x - y} } 2$

Hyperbolic Sine by Hyperbolic Cosine

$\sinh x \cosh y = \dfrac {\sinh \paren {x + y} + \sinh \paren {x - y} } 2$

Also presented as

The Werner Formulas can also be presented as follows:

Sine by Sine

The Werner Formula for Sine by Sine can also be seen in the form:

$2 \sin \alpha \sin \beta = \map \cos {\alpha - \beta} - \map \cos {\alpha + \beta}$

Sine by Cosine

The Werner Formula for Sine by Cosine can also be seen in the form:

$2 \sin \alpha \cos \beta = \map \sin {\alpha - \beta} + \map \sin {\alpha + \beta}$

Cosine by Sine

The Werner Formula for Cosine by Sine can also be seen in the form:

$2 \cos \alpha \sin \beta = \map \sin {\alpha + \beta} - \map \sin {\alpha - \beta}$

Cosine by Cosine

The Werner Formula for Cosine by Cosine can also be seen in the form:

$2 \cos \alpha \cos \beta = \map \cos {\alpha - \beta} + \map \cos {\alpha + \beta}$

Also known as

The Werner Formulas are also known as the Product Formulas or Product Formulae.

They can also be called the Product-to-Sum Formulas.

Some sources call them Simpson's Formulas, but this appears not to be backed up by the literature, and this name is usually applied to another set of formulas altogether.

Also see

Source of Name

This entry was named for Johann Werner.
