Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birthday/November

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London

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$1841$: Charles-Ange Laisant
$1856$: Charles Planck
$1913$: Andrzej Mostowski
$1919$: Hermann Bondi
$1920$: Claude Ambrose Rogers
$1949$: Lawrence Craig Evans


$1815$: George Boole
$1826$: Henry John Stephen Smith
$1863$: Walter Percy Workman
$1866$: George Godfrey Berry
$1911$: Raphael Mitchel Robinson
$1916$: Adriaan van Wijngaarden
$1948$: Leonid Anatolievich Levin


$1867$: Martin Wilhelm Kutta
$1896$: Raymond Louis Wilder
$1906$: Carl Benjamin Boyer
$1938$: Bernhard H. Korte


$1744$: Johann III Bernoulli


$1764$: Pieter Nieuwland


$1781$: Giovanni Antonio Amedeo Plana
$1808$: Friedrich Julius Richelot
$1906$: Emma Markovna Lehmer
$1949$: Sheldon Jay Axler


$1867$: Maria Salomea Curie
$1885$: Frank Hyneman Knight
$1898$: Raphaël Salem


$1656$: Edmund Halley
$1843$: Moritz Pasch
$1848$: Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
$1854$: Johannes Robert Rydberg
$1868$: Felix Hausdorff
$1948$: David William Masser


$1885$: Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl
$1921$: William Harold Mills
$1926$: Wilson Miles Zaring
$1961$: Terry Wiley


$1829$: Elwin Bruno Christoffel
$1896$: Ernst Paul Heinz Prüfer
$1910$: Louis Harold Gray
$1953$: Charles Eric Leiserson
$1957$: George F. Woltman


$1904$: John Henry Constantine Whitehead
$1912$: Albert Edward Green


$1842$: John William Strutt
$1910$: Hua Luogeng
$1926$: Walter Laws Smith
$1930$: Norman Woodason Johnson
$1931$: Daniel Leonid Slotnick
$1931$: Gerard John Murphy
$1940$: Floris Takens


$1878$: Max Wilhelm Dehn
$1924$: Petr Beckmann
$1930$: John David Brillhart
$1957$: Fernando Quadros Gouvêa


$1845$: Ulisse Dini
$1882$: Robert Lee Moore
$1896$: Bertram Martin Wilson
$1916$: Roger Apéry


$1596$: Jean Appier Hanzelet
$1793$: Michel Chasles
$1907$: Edward Marczewski
$1947$: Gregory John Chaitin
$1959$: Jean-François Le Gall‏‎


$1717$: Jean le Rond d'Alembert
$1835$: Eugenio Beltrami
$1886$: Marcel Riesz
$1901$: Ernest Nagel
$1935$: Ryszard Engelking
$1952$: Neal Lamar Carothers


$1790$: August Ferdinand Möbius
$1879$: John Wesley Young
$1902$: Eugene Paul Wigner
$1935$: Anthony N. Michel
$1936$: James Edward Mann


$1820$: Gustav Conrad Bauer


$1808$: Barnaba Tortolini
$1855$: John Edward Aloysius Steggall
$1894$: Heinz Hopf
$1920$: Anthony Philip French
$1932$: Avner Friedman


$1863$: William Fleetwood Sheppard
$1893$: André Bloch
$1917$: Leonard Jimmie Savage
$1922$: George Brown Arfken
$1924$: Benoît B. Mandelbrot
$1927$: Robert Gardner Bartle
$1936$: Shlomo Zvi Sternberg
$1953$: Glenn H. Stevens
$1963$: William Timothy Gowers
$1969$: Nik Weaver


$1866$: Georg Wilhelm Scheffers
$1903$: Robert Pollock Gillespie
$1909$: Victor Lyle Streeter
$1921$: Gerd Edzard Harry Reuter


$1757$: William Frend
$1803$: Giusto Bellavitis
$1840$: Émile Michel Hyacinthe Lemoine
$1900$: Viktor Vladimirovich Nemytskii
$1942$: Jeffrey David Ullman
$1969$: Alexander Bellos


$1616$: John Wallis
$1820$: Isaac Todhunter
$1917$: Elizabeth Leonard Scott


$1879$: Duncan MacLaren Young Sommerville
$1909$: Gerhard Karl Erich Gentzen
$1944$: Carl Bernard Pomerance


$1796$: Andreas Freiherr von Ettingshausen
$1841$: Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ernst Schröder


$1787$: Magnus Georg Paucker
$1894$: Norbert Wiener
$1940$: Enrico Bombieri


$1701$: Anders Celsius
$1854$: Johan Ludvig Heiberg
$1871$: Giovanni Giorgi
$1934$: William Gilbert Strang


$1834$: Ernst Louis Étienne Laspeyres
$1905$: Albert William Tucker
$1915$: Wilfred Kaplan
$1915$: Bryant Tuckerman
$1922$: Meyer Jerison


$1849$: Horace Lamb
$1927$: Elvin James Lee
$1955$: David Allen Bayer


$1861$: Paul Rudolf Eugen Jahnke
$1891$: Edward Lindsay Ince
$1902$: Tirukkannapuram Vijayaraghavan
$1905$: Ivor Bulmer-Thomas
$1930$: Kenneth Myron Hoffman

Precise date unknown

$1638$: James Gregory
$1949$: Ephraim Joseph Borowski

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