Consistency Principle for Binary Mess

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Let $S$ be a set.

Let $M$ be a binary mess on $S$.

Then there exists a mapping $f : S \to \Bbb B$ such that:

$f$ is consistent with $M$


Let $I$ be the set of all finite subsets of $S$.

Recall that by definition of binary mess:

$\ds M \subseteq \bigcup_{P \mathop \in I} \Bbb B^P$

is a set of mappings from finite subsets of $S$ to a Boolean domain.

For every $P \in I$, define:

$M_P = \set {t \in M : \Dom t = P}$

By Binary Mess Axiom $(\text M 2)$ we have that $M_P$ cannot be empty.

For every $J \subseteq I$, define:

$Z_J = \set {z \in M^J : \paren {\forall P \in \Dom z : \map z P \in M_P} \land \paren {\forall P, Q \in \Dom z : t_1 {\restriction_R} = t_2 {\restriction_R} } }$


$t_1 = \map z P$
$t_2 = \map z Q$
$R = \Dom {t_1} \cap \Dom {t_2}$
$M^J$ denotes the set of all mappings from $J$ to $M$.


$\ds Z = \bigcup_{J \mathop \subseteq I} Z_J$
$X_P = \set {z \in Z : P \in \Dom z}$
$F = \set {X_P : P \in I}$


By Empty Set is Subset of All Sets and Cardinality of Empty Set:

$\O \in I$


$X_\O \in F$


$F \ne \O$



$\set \O \in J$


$z_\O \in Z_{\set \O}$


$\map z \O = t_\O$

and $t_\O$ is the empty mapping.

Note that $t_\O \in M$ by definition of binary mess and Empty Mapping is Unique.

Therefore, $z_\O \in Z$ and:

$Z \ne \O$


Finite Intersection Property

Let $\set {X_1, \dotsc, X_k} \subset F$ be a non-empty finite subset of $F$.

By definition of $F$, for each $1 \le i \le k$, there is some $P \in I$ such that $X_i = X_P$.

By the Principle of Finite Choice, let:

$\set {P_1, \dotsc, P_k}$

be such that, for all $1 \le i \le k$:

$X_i = X_{P_i}$


$\ds Q = \bigcup_{i \mathop = 1}^k P_i$

By definition of binary mess, there is some $t \in M$ such that:

$\Dom t = Q$

Define $z : \set {P_1, \dotsc, P_k} \to M$ as:

$\map z P = t {\restriction_P}$

As every $P_i$ is a finite subset of $S$, by definition of binary mess:

$t {\restriction_{P_i} } \in M$

Additionally, as $\Dom t = Q \supseteq P_i$ for every $i$, it follows that:

$\Dom {t {\restriction_{P_i} } } = P_i$

Thus, for every $1 \le i \le k$:

$\map z {P_i} \in M_{P_i}$

Furthermore, for every $i, j$:

$\paren {t {\restriction_{P_i} } } {\restriction_R} = t {\restriction_R} = \paren {t {\restriction_{P_j} } } {\restriction_R}$

where $R = P_i \cap P_j$.

Thus, $z$ satisfies all of the requirements so that:

$z \in Z_{\set P_1, \dotsc, P_k}$


$z \in Z$

As every $P_i \in \Dom z$:

$\ds z \in \bigcap_{i \mathop = 1}^k X_{P_i} = \bigcap_{i \mathop = 1}^k X_i$

Therefore, $F$ satisfies the finite intersection property.



By the Ultrafilter Lemma: Corollary, there exists an ultrafilter $U$ on $Z$ such that:

$U \supseteq F$

Let $P \in I$ be arbitrary.

For every $t \in M_P$, define:

$Y_t = \set {z \in X_P : \map z P = t}$

Let $t, t' \in M_P$ such that:

$Y_t \in U \land Y_{t'} \in U$

By definition of filter:

$Y_t \cap Y_{t'} \in U$

But then, as $\O \notin U$ by definition:

$\exists z \in Y_t \cap Y_{t'}$


$t = \map z P = t'$

Now, suppose there is no $t \in M_P$ such that:

$Y_t \in U$

Then, by definition of ultrafilter, for every $t \in M_P$:

$\relcomp Z {Y_t} = \set {z \in Z : P \notin \Dom z \lor \map z P \ne t}$


$M_P \subseteq \Bbb B^P$

it follows, by:

Set of Mappings between Finite Sets is Finite
Subset of Finite Set is Finite

that $M_P$ is a finite set.


$N = \set {M_P} \cup \set {\relcomp Z {Y_t} : t \in M_P} \subseteq U$

is also finite.

Consider an arbitrary $z \in Z$.

  • If $P \notin \Dom z$, then $z \notin M_P$
  • Otherwise, there exists some $t \in M_P$ such that $\map z P = t$
But then, $z \notin Y_t$

Thus, for every $z \in Z$:

$z \notin N$


$\ds \bigcap N = \O$

contradicting the finite intersection property in the definition of ultrafilter.

Thus, for every $P \in I$, there is a unique $t_P \in M_P$ such that $Y_{t_P} \in U$.

Consistent Mapping

Define $f \subseteq S \times \Bbb B$ as:

$\ds f = \bigcup_{P \mathop \in I} t_P$

For every $x \in S$:

$\Dom {t_{\set x} } = \set x$


$\tuple {x, \map {t_{\set x} } x} \in f$

and $f$ is left-total by definition.

Now, suppose that, for $x \in S$:

$\tuple {x, b_1} \in f \land \tuple {x, b_2} \in f$

By definition of $f$, there are $P, Q \in I$ such that:

$\tuple {x, b_1} \in t_P \land \tuple {x, b_2} \in t_Q$

By definition of $t_P$:

$Y_{t_P} \in U \land Y_{t_Q} \in U$

Thus, by definition of filter:

$Y_{t_P} \cap Y_{t_Q} \in U$

But as $\O \notin U$ by definition of filter:

$\exists z \in Y_{t_P} \cap Y_{t_Q}$

That is:

$\exists z \in Z : \set {P, Q} \subseteq \Dom z \land \map z P = t_P \land \map z Q = t_Q$

Equivalently, there exists some $J \subseteq I$ such that:

$\set {P, Q} \subseteq J$
$\exists z \in Z_J : \map z P = t_P \land \map z Q = t_Q$

But by definition of $Z_J$:

$t_P {\restriction_{P \mathop \cap Q} } = t_Q {\restriction_{P \mathop \cap Q} }$

As $x \in \Dom {t_P} \cap \Dom {t_Q} = P \cap Q$:

$\map {t_P {\restriction_{P \mathop \cap Q} } } x = \map {t_Q {\restriction_{P \mathop \cap Q} } } x$

Or, in other words:

$b_1 = b_2$

Thus, $f$ is many-to-one by definition.

Hence, by definition, $f$ is a mapping.


Let $P \in I$ be arbitrary.

By definition of $f$:

$t_P \subseteq f$

By Subset of Many-to-One Relation is Restriction, and $\Dom {t_P} = P$:

$t_P = f {\restriction_P}$

As $t_P \in M_P \subseteq M$:

$f {\restriction_P} \in M$

Therefore, $f$ is consistent with $M$.


Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem

This theorem depends on the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem (BPI), by way of Ultrafilter Lemma.

Although not as strong as the Axiom of Choice, the BPI is similarly independent of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms.

As such, mathematicians are generally convinced of its truth and believe that it should be generally accepted.
