Definition:Conjunction/Notational Variants

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Various symbols are encountered that denote the concept of logical conjunction:

Symbol Origin Known as
$p \land q$ wedge
$p \mathop {\mathsf {AND} } q$
$p \mathop . q$ 1910: Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell: Principia Mathematica dot
$p \mathop \And q$ Ampersand
$p \mathop {\And \And} q$ Used in various computer programming languages
$\operatorname K p q$ Łukasiewicz's Polish notation

Further notational variants

In view of their use of $.$ as a convention for marking a parenthesis, 1910: Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell: Principia Mathematica also offer as variants:

$p : q$
$p \, \mathop{:.} \, q$
$p :: q$
