Definition:Division in Ratio/Straight Line

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Let $A$, $B$ and $P$ be collinear points.


$P$ divides $AB$ in the ratio $m : n$

if and only if:

$AP : PB = m : n$

where $AP$ and $PB$ are directed line segments.


Let $A$, $B$ and $P$ be collinear points.

Let $P$ lie between $A$ and $B$.

Then $P$ divides $AB$ internally in the ratio $m : n$ if and only if:

$AP : PB = m : n$

and the ratio $m : n$ is positive.


Let $A$, $B$ and $P$ be collinear points.

Let $P$ not lie between $A$ and $B$.

Then $P$ divides $AB$ externally in the ratio $\size m : \size n$ if and only if:

$AP : PB = m : n$

and the ratio $m : n$ is negative.

Also see

  • Results about division in ratio can be found here.
