Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Nation/Austria

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London


Georg von Peuerbach $($$\text {1423}$ – $\text {1461}$$)$

Austrian astronomer, mathematician and instrument maker, best known for his streamlined presentation of Ptolemaic Astronomy in the Theoricae Novae Planetarum.
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Georg Joachim Rhaeticus $($$\text {1514}$ – $\text {1574}$$)$

Austrian mathematician who was the sole pupil of Nicolaus Copernicus.

Calculated a table of sines accurate to $10$ decimals.
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Jakob Philipp Kulik $($$\text {1793}$ – $\text {1863}$$)$

Austrian mathematician known for his construction of mathematical tables.

A table containing the factors of all integers up to $100 \, 000 \, 000$, which he had spent $20$ years working on as a hobby, remained uncompleted and unpublished at his death.
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Josef Stefan $($$\text {1835}$ – $\text {1893}$$)$

Austrian Carinthian Slovene physicist, mathematician, and poet of the Austrian Empire.
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Otto Stolz $($$\text {1842}$ – $\text {1905}$$)$

Austrian mathematician working mainly in analysis and the theory of infinitesimals.

Corresponded with Felix Klein on the subject of the Erlangen program, among other subjects.
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Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann $($$\text {1844}$ – $\text {1906}$$)$

Austrian physicist and philosopher.

Best known for his work on the development of statistical mechanics, and the statistical explanation of the second law of thermodynamics.
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Georg Alexander Pick $($$\text {1859}$ – $\text {1942}$$)$

Austrian mathematician best known for Pick's Formula for determining the area of lattice polygons.
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Karl Zsigmondy $($$\text {1867}$ – $\text {1925}$$)$

Austrian mathematician of Hungarian ethnicity, best known for Zsigmondy's Theorem, discovered in $1882$.
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Karl Theodor Vahlen $($$\text {1869}$ – $\text {1945}$$)$

Austrian-born mathematician and professor who co-founded Deutsche Mathematik.
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Ernst Sigismund Fischer $($$\text {1875}$ – $\text {1954}$$)$

Austrian mathematician who worked in the field of analysis.

Worked with Emmy Noether.
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Hans Hahn $($$\text {1879}$ – $\text {1934}$$)$

Austrian mathematician who worked in the fields of functional analysis, topology, set theory, the calculus of variations, real analysis, and order theory.
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Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tietze $($$\text {1880}$ – $\text {1964}$$)$

Austrian mathematician mainly working in abstract algebra and topology.
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Richard Edler von Mises $($$\text {1883}$ – $\text {1953}$$)$

Mathematician and scientist of Austrian nationality who worked in the fields of statistics, probability theory and various branches of applied mathematics and physics.

Also an authority on the poet Rainer Maria Rilke.
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Philipp Frank $($$\text {1884}$ – $\text {1966}$$)$

Austrian physicist, mathematician and logical-positivist philosopher.

Member of the Vienna Circle.
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Eduard Helly $($$\text {1884}$ – $\text {1943}$$)$

Austrian mathematician working mainly in topology and functional analysis.

Proved special cases of the Hahn-Banach Theorem and Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, but remained unrecognised for these at the time.
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Wilhelm Johann Eugen Blaschke $($$\text {1885}$ – $\text {1962}$$)$

Austrian differential and integral geometer.

Published one of the first books devoted to convex sets: Kreis und Kugel.

Made a thorough review of the subject with citations within the text to attribute credit in a classical area of mathematics.
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Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger $($$\text {1887}$ – $\text {1961}$$)$

Austrian physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in the field of quantum theory, which formed the basis of wave mechanics.
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Johann Karl August Radon $($$\text {1887}$ – $\text {1956}$$)$

Austrian mathematician best known for his work on the calculus of variations.
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Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein $($$\text {1889}$ – $\text {1951}$$)$

Austrian philosopher who worked primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of language.
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Hilda Geiringer von Mises $($$\text {1893}$ – $\text {1973}$$)$

Austrian mathematician best known for her work in applied mathematics.
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Emil Artin $($$\text {1898}$ – $\text {1962}$$)$

Austrian-American mathematician mainly working in abstract algebra and topology.
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Wolfgang Gröbner $($$\text {1899}$ – $\text {1980}$$)$

Austrian mathematician best known for the Gröbner Basis, used for computations in algebraic geometry.
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Otto Eduard Neugebauer $($$\text {1899}$ – $\text {1990}$$)$

Austrian American mathematician and historian of science best known for his research on the history of astronomy and the other exact sciences in antiquity and into the Middle Ages.

By studying clay tablets, he discovered that the ancient Babylonians knew much more about mathematics and astronomy than had been previously realized.
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Salomon Bochner $($$\text {1899}$ – $\text {1982}$$)$

Austrian mathematician, known for work in mathematical analysis, probability theory and differential geometry.
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Wolfgang Ernst Pauli $($$\text {1900}$ – $\text {1958}$$)$

Austrian-born Swiss and American theoretical physicist.

One of the pioneers of quantum physics.
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Otto Schreier $($$\text {1901}$ – $\text {1929}$$)$

Austrian mathematician who made great advances in group theory before dying unfortunately young of sepsis.
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Karl Menger $($$\text {1902}$ – $\text {1985}$$)$

Austrian-American mathematician who worked on mathematics of algebras, algebra of geometries, curve and dimension theory.

Also contributed to game theory and social sciences.
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Kurt Friedrich Gödel $($$\text {1906}$ – $\text {1978}$$)$

Austrian mathematician who emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1940.

Famous for his first and second incompleteness theorems.
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Yehoshua Bar-Hillel $($$\text {1915}$ – $\text {1975}$$)$

Austrian-born Israeli philosopher, mathematician, and linguist.

Best known for his pioneering work in machine translation and formal linguistics.
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Hermann Bondi $($$\text {1919}$ – $\text {2005}$$)$

British-Austrian mathematician and cosmologist.

Best known for developing the steady state model of the universe with Fred Hoyle and Thomas Gold as an alternative to the Big Bang theory.

Contributed to the theory of general relativity and was the first to analyze the inertial and gravitational interaction of negative mass.
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Heinz Zemanek $($$\text {1920}$ – $\text {2014}$$)$

Austrian computer pioneer who led the development, from $1954$ to $1958$, of Mailüfterl ("May breeze"), one of the first completely transistorised computers in continental Europe.
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Leo Moser $($$\text {1921}$ – $\text {1970}$$)$

Austrian-Canadian mathematician best known for his work in number theory.
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Walter Rudin $($$\text {1921}$ – $\text {2010}$$)$

Austrian-born American mathematician best known for the widely-used college textbooks he wrote.
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Walter Feit $($$\text {1930}$ – $\text {2004}$$)$

Austrian-born American mathematician who worked in finite group theory and representation theory.
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Bruno Buchberger $($$\text {b. 1942}$$)$

Austrian professor of Computer Mathematics who created the theory of Gröbner bases.
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Franz Halter-Koch $($$\text {b. 1944}$$)$

Austrian mathematician researching in elementary and algebraic number theory and commutative algebra.
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Günter Pilz $($$\text {b. 1945}$$)$

Austrian mathematician whose main area of research is the theory and application of algebraic structures.
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Rudolf Lidl $($$\text {b. 1948}$$)$

Austrian mathematician working in abstract algebra.
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Christian Friedrich Krattenthaler $($$\text {b. 1958}$$)$

Austrian mathematician working mainly in the field of discrete mathematics with a focus on combinatorics.
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Manfred Einsiedler $($$\text {b. 1973}$$)$

Austrian mathematician specialising in ergodic theory.
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