Definition:Truncation Error

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A truncation error is an error associated with limitations in the construction of approximations.

This may arise by:

the use of an approximation rule
terminating an iterative method before it has converged
approximating a derivative by a difference
taking a finite number of terms of a power series expansion, for example a Taylor series
and so on.

It can also arise through truncation of a number.


Trapezoid Rule

Let the trapezoid rule be used to integrate $\cos x$ over the closed interval $\closedint 0 {0.8}$ using $8$ subintervals of length $0.1$.

Because $\size {\map{f} x} \le 1$, the truncation error cannot exceed a value given by:

$E \le \size {\dfrac {\paren {0.1}^2 \times 0.8} {12} } = 0.00067$

Also see

  • Results about truncation errors can be found here.
